What is a Mens Shed?
A Men’s Shed is a place where all men, regardless of age, background, or ability:
• Are respected, valued and belong, and can comfortably use and pass on their practical skills and knowledge.
• Learn through doing stuff together – each man is a teacher and a learner, each having different levels of skills, professional and practical, to share collectively.
• Can come together and help out in their communities.
• Can just come and have a chat and a cuppa if that is all they’re looking for.
• Can talk about things that are important to them, and can improve their own wellbeing by keeping physically, mentally and socially active.
Our Mens Sheds
Be Safe Be Well Mens Sheds operate 5 Mens Sheds in the Causeway Coast and Glens area, Please find joining instructions here.
Cornfield , Coleraine
Other Mens Sheds in Ireland and the UK.
For general information about other mens sheds in Northern Ireland via https://menssheds.ie/ and Groundwork.
You can find other sheds in your local area via IMSA shed map or UKMSA map